KS Klima-Service
About the company
The Czech company KS KLIMA-Service a.s. from Dobříž has been engaged in the development of adsorption-type atmospheric filtration equipment since its foundation in 1993. The air filters and purification systems produced by the company have made KS Klima-Service one of the largest manufacturers of filtration equipment in the Czech Republic. Since 1997, the quality management of KS Klima-Service's products has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001, and since 2006 the company has been certified under the environmental standard ISO 14001.
KS Klima products
Filter materials
The company offers a wide range of special filter media for use in pre-filter units and primary filters in air handling units and air conditioning equipment. Materials based on polyurethane, glass fibre, natural latex or synthetic fibres, or recycled paper can be supplied in rolls or sheets of various sizes.
Filters for ventilation and air conditioning systems
The manufacturer manufactures a maximum range of filters of various standards and designs, used to extract even the finest dust and used in most types of air conditioning and ventilation equipment. It has various filter frames, metal filter elements for high temperature applications, flat filters for fan coils, compact elements for small spaces and HEPA and ULPA filters for applications with extremely high demands on air purity with the possibility of separation of particles down to 0.3 micron.
Adsorption filters
Filters of this type are used in processes that remove harmful substances in gaseous state or odours from the working environment. KS Klima-Service filter systems are used in the chemical and electrical industries, in welding and brazing processes, and for removing odours in catering or public facilities and administrative areas.
Special purpose filter units and accessories
The company also produces filtration units for installation in ducts and pipelines, filter units with a large number of stages and a high degree of purification. Separately produced are mounting frames for filter elements, pressure gauges of several types with additional accessories for installation.